Full-Stack Developer

I'm a remote-working full-stack developer from England.

A picture of Daniel's face

Well, Hello There! I'm Dan Ward. Nice to meet you.

I build things that save time and money. I've had over 15 years working in enterprise software development.


Here are some of the things I've recently created.

Know Your Steam

A quiz based on data from the Steam API, how well do you know your playtime stats?


An offline-first progressive web app that just works, no accounts, no subscriptions but does feature passwordless collaboration should you want it.

🔗 List.djaw.uk
Team Food Order

A real-time collaboration system for group food ordering that saves a pen and paper or passing a phone around.

On Hold

Made with Sarah, Friendflix was a Film Collection / TV series progression tracker for enthusiasts and completionists. Great for movie nights and synchronising tv shows.

On Hold

A balanced scheduling system allocating people to weeks taking into consideration team based filtering.

🔗 GoTo
EV Planner

A multi-purpose charging calculator to understand time and cost of charging an Electric Vehicle. Assisting both newcomers and novice users with their day to day planning needs.

Coming Soon
Arcade Web

Real-time couch co-op gaming whereby your mobile becomes a games controller.

Coming Soon
Mini Metrics

The quickest way to get data on just about anything from an application from vistors to actions completely self-hosted.

Coming Soon

Thanks for stopping by

You can reach me via these places:

The logo for Github
The logo for LinkedIn